
AoB More Connected

Below are training videos to help your staff learn and prepare to utilize myParish App and FlockNote in growing your parish communications.

myParish App Training

Training Part 1:

Overview and Tour (1 video)
Join us as we touch upon every feature in the App to gain a better understanding of its unique capabilities.

Training Part 2:

Administering myParish App (6 videos)
Join us as we discuss how to set-up your parish’s app. Learn basic configuration, how to add content, events and messages.

Video 1 of 6: Basic Configuration

Video 2 of 6: Creating Messages

Video 3 of 6: Creating Events

Video 4 of 6: Adding Contacts

Video 5 of 6: Adding Homilies and Uploading Bulletins

Video 6 of 6: Adding Spanish Language Content


FlockNote Training

Training Video 1:

Parish FlockNote Page (6:12 minutes)
Learn how you can manage the main Flocknote page for your parish.

Training Video 2:

Groups and Ministries (5:59 minutes)
Learn how you can create groups for your parish’s ministries.

Training Video 3:

Members (6:25 minutes)
Learn how you can add members and work with your parishioners in Flocknote.

Training Video 4:

Sending “Notes” (7:52 minutes)
Learn how to create “Notes” to send out information on events, reminders, weekly newsletters, etc.
