Daily Gospel Reflection for February 15, 2016

Today’s Gospel: Matthew 25, 31-46

As a mom, it’s easy for me to hear today’s Gospel and think “I’m totally nailing this! I give drink, visit the grounded (that’s like being imprisoned, right?), comfort the sick and I’ve clothed plenty of naked bums. I got this!” Part of being a Mom is doing most of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy on a daily basis. I can coast through Mass, mentally patting myself on the back for a job well done and just sure of not going to that place of everlasting punishment.

Our Lord has a sense of humor: enter in my son with autism. As any one with a child on the spectrum knows, it’s a whole new ballgame. Providing drink to the thirsty turns into water at just the right temperature in THAT cup, to a child who has no problem wandering out of the house randomly, and those bums of his that need to be clothed will absolutely NOT be clothed in denim. Sweats only.

Suddenly, the spiritual and corporal works of mercy became drastically harder. And even more important. As Our Lord says – when we do these humble tasks to the “least of these brothers” we do them to Him. In those times when I thought I had the right cup for the water and I don’t, or when salsa is put on the chips as opposed to cheese, and when I’m holding my son (who almost weighs half as much as I do) as he convulses through another meltdown; I hear His voice whisper in my soul – you do this to Me.

I can’t say I understand my son or his struggles, but I can serve him – truly, one of Our Lords ‘least brothers’. In serving him, I see the face of God.


Has the Lord ever taken you out of your comfort zone to show you where you need to grow? How has He shaken you out of complacency and into some place new and different, but beautiful?


O Lord, who through Your infinite grace and mercy has given me the ability to fulfill the works of mercy to the children You have entrusted to me, grant me the grace to remember that in serving them, I am serving you at the same time. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Kim W.

I am a Catholic convert (Class of 2006), a Benedictine Oblate, and a homeschooling mother of four kids. I love the Faith, Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, books, and monkeys. When I grow up, I want to be a saint.

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