Category Archives: Ideas & Tips

think outside the box

myParish App: Think Outside The Box

myParish App isn’t just about the features you see on the screen. If you do a little creative thinking, you can use the app in some unique ways.

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For instance, it’s easy to get stuck thinking about just our own parish. Here is Applandia, at Saint Alphege the Bald Catholic Church, we try and think about the universal church, as well. Here are some things we’ve done:

    • Consider a parish-wide novena using the app. Send the novena prayer as a daily message. (Need ideas for novenas? Check out this page.)
    • How much do you know about your parish’s patron saint? Send a message on the saint’s feast or send a message with a prayer for your patron’s intercession on a regular schedule (weekly, or monthly.)
    • Send a message with the Holy Father’s intentions on the first day of the month, and encourage parishioners to pray the Morning Offering for them. The Morning Offering can be found in the Prayers tab in the app, where prayers are listed alphabetically. (You can find the Holy Father’s monthly intentions here.)

With just a little effort, your parish community can use myParish App to stay connected to the world-wide Catholic community in prayer, and learn some new things as well.