Daily Gospel Reflection for February 21, 2016 – Second Sunday of Lent

Today’s Gospel: Luke 9, 28B-36 – Second Sunday of Lent

Have you ever found yourself watching a television show or talking on the phone and you started to fall asleep? You try to pay attention to the program, the other person, or situation but you can’t quite keep your eyes open. You start to drift off, missing a few words here, a couple sentences there. Soon, you’re not quite sure what’s happening and if you are talking to a friend, they’ll have told you to go to bed.

As I reflected on this incredible reading, the Transfiguration, I couldn’t help but notice a line I’ve missed all these years. Luke says “Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory…” Did you catch that? They were sleeping! For the whole conversation Jesus had with Moses and Elijah about what was going to happen in Jerusalem! It’s only as the two men were leaving that the disciples managed to open their sleepy eyes and recognize the miracle before them.

How often are we asleep to the miracles around us? How often do we miss an encounter with our Lord because we weren’t paying attention? I received a book for Christmas called Thrift Store Saints: Meeting Jesus 25¢ at a Time by Jane Knuth. The book chronicles Jane’s experiences volunteering at a St. Vincent de Paul store, and how she grew in awareness of Jesus’ presence in the store’s clients. Each chapter Jane shares a story of how the poor and homeless of Kalamazoo, Michigan, helped her not only grow spiritually, but encounter Jesus in each of them. She “woke up” to the reality of Jesus in the poor. Her book has challenged me to consider how awake I am to daily encounters with Jesus, especially in the faces of the poor and homeless.


What are some areas where you are sleepy, especially spiritually? What do you need to ask Jesus to open your eyes to so that you might see Him more clearly?


Dear Jesus, please help us to be fully awake to the miracles You place in our lives every day. Let us see Your face in each person we encounter, recognizing them as a beloved child of God.


Copyright 2016 Kate Taliaferro

Kate Taliaferro is an Air Force wife, mom of 3 under 4. She enjoys homeschooling her two oldest while chasing her early-walking, food-scattering-loving baby. She has a Masters in Religious Education and tries to find God’s presence in all parts of her day, be it cooking, cleaning or just the everyday ordinary. Follow her blog, Daily Graces to join her crazy, adventurous, God-filled family.

The post Daily Gospel Reflection for February 21, 2016 – Second Sunday of Lent appeared first on CatholicMom.com – Celebrating Catholic Motherhood.