Daily Gospel Reflection for March 6, 2016 – Fourth Sunday of Lent

Today’s Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 – Fourth Sunday of Lent

Today’s Gospel describes the parable of a man and his beloved sons. The two sons were equally distributed their inheritance and one set off alone to squander his fortune. Quickly realizing his mistake, he returned home and sought forgiveness from his father. The man’s brother, who had dutifully remained at home to assist his father, was consumed with anger. How could his father welcome his brother home after such blatant disregard for his gifts?
Jealousy often rears its ugly head in our lives. Comparison strips us of our joy, which should be grounded in the knowledge that God is forgiving, always. The man’s brother was blinded by his envy and misunderstanding.
The father’s joy at his son’s return is how God rejoices when we open our hearts to Him. Our “coming home” is a joyous occasion, marked by reconciliation and forgiveness. The father in the parable displays his unconditional love for his son, just as God does for us.
What an excellent example to set for both men!


Do you seek forgiveness or need to forgive someone? Reconcile with the Lord, He is waiting with loving arms!


Lord, I trust in you. Help me to have an open and forgiving heart so that I may live your holy example for all of my life. Amen.

Copyright 2016 Karen T. Reep

My name is Karen Reep and I live in Kansas. I have been married nineteen years and have six children. I am a stay at home mom who loves to write, read, and run. I teach PSR to tenth grade girls in our parish. I blog at Raising The Reeps. I am also a columnist for Catholic Stand. I love my faith and strive to set an example for my children by living it out authentically.

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