Do you wish your app messages would go away sometimes?
We encourage app administrators NOT to remove messages.
Messages are a great resource when looking at your analytics!
When reviewing your app user analytics, it may help to consider the following:
- Temporal and liturgical seasons and how they affect parishioner engagement.
- The frequency and quality of Messages sent to parishioners prompting app usage.
- Timing of your communications. What time of day and week are you sending Messages? Are the Messages being sent best suited to those times?
- How up-to-date is your app content? (e.g. Messages, Calendar, Homilies, Mass/Confession Times)
- Sometimes parishioners want to refer back to Messages. But, you can remove messages on just your phone. Just swipe on the message from right to left. You’ll see a delete button to tap and voila! the message is gone.
Check out the Analytics page below. The spikes on the graph are good indicators of trends of impactful messaging!