Preparing for Lent With Communication to Parishioners

In the time before Lent, many of us start thinking about what we and our family members are going to “give up for Lent”. Many bad habits are put on hold during that six week period, while other habits are given up completely. As the years have passed and I don’t have small children to guide through the process, I find myself looking for a balance. Not only do I focus on something I can give up, but something I can change about myself to help me be more in touch with the beauty of the Lenten and Easter Season.

Lent is a special time of grace in the Church and as parish communicators, we can support and foster our parishioners and visitors in their desire to grow in holiness through inspiring and welcoming images, thoughtful reflections and links to meaningful content. Preplan your Lenten online communications using the app. Ash Wednesday is February 14. To assist app administrators with tools for your parishioners, Diocesan is offering several new and exciting options for the myParishApp audience.

  • As in previous years, there will be Lent and Easter backgrounds that you can request. Once we have your request, we will make the changes for you to Lent, then to Easter. And then back to your current background at the end of the Season. Click HERE to sign up for these new features listed below – all FREE!
  • Weekly Lenten video reflections from Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR. In six transformative weeks, you will learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to move in your heart through a new theme each week. Please encourage your parishioners to tune in for these. Made for Heaven is perfect for both individual and group use. All available through our partnership with Ave Maria Press. Free companion videos and a downloadable leader’s guide are available at
  • Daily Lenten reflections and blog by Amy Thomas,  from The Catholic Pilgrim.
    Promote the Catholic Faith and rebel against the culture. This button is not just for Lent and can remain on the app if you choose.
  • Grow deeper in your faith life as you reflect on the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This Visio Divina prayer book includes guided prayer and reflection on a beautiful series of seven pieces of artwork by Belgian painter Jozef Janssens, portraying the life and passion of our Lord through the eyes of Our Lady. Also included is a guide to praying the Seven Sorrows Chaplet.

myParish App has a wealth of resources to help your community make Lent meaningful. Click HERE

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