
myParish App has been configured for over 3000 Catholic Parishes. A common question we are asked is “Why are the buttons ordered the way they are?”

We have great reasoning on why the buttons are ordered in a certain way. Below is some research behind our decisions.

What buttons are being used most?
From google analytics we learn which buttons have the highest rate of use. Here is the order as of July 2018:

  1. Messages
  2. Readings
  3. Prayers
  4. Bulletin
  5. Calendar
  6. News
  7. Confession
  8. Mass Times
  9. Parish Info
  10. Groups
  11. Inspire Daily
  12. Homilies
  13. Giving
  14. Discover Mass

How do people hold and operate their phones?
Next we wanted to know where it is most advantageous for parishioners to have the most commonly used buttons located.

Scouring the internet for research regarding how people hold and use their phone we found some nifty stuff.  It is most common for people to hold their phone with their left hand and tap it with their right hand. Also, we found that it is very common for people to hold and operate their phones with just one hand.

Marketing studies suggest on a page or screen where all things are equal, that people tend to start skimming at the top left, move to the top right, and then move diagonally to the bottom left.

Therefore we wanted to know the best place to put the buttons that are used most. Research suggested something along the lines of this image.

All Things Considered
After looking at the research and evaluating parishioners use, each button on the home screen is in a favorable location to be explored.

Discover Something New
Invite parishioners, through push notification messaging, to tour buttons that are low on the list of hits. There is always something new to discover!