Living The Good News: Another Inspiring Feature For Your Parish

If you think of Applandia as a small town, with the Saint Alphege the Bald Catholic Church on one end of town and the general store at the other, right in the middle of Main Street, you’ll find the newspaper. Of course, it’s not really a newspaper, since we’re in the virtual realm.

small town street

It’s a blog, and it’s called Living the Good News. We write it here in Applandia, and just like any small town paper, we try to make sure it’s relevant to the people reading it. Learn about saints and holy days, Scripture and news. At Living the Good News, we follow the Olympics just like you, but with a Catholic twist. When the pope speaks, we listen and discuss.With 2000 years of glorious Church history, teaching and people, you’ll be sure to learn something new – or learn something old in a new way.

If you’d like to add Living the Good News to myParish App for your faith community, let us know. We’ll be happy to help.