Messages Help Parishioners Engage

As an App Admin, we encourage you to use messaging for your parishioners. Messages are one of the most valuable assets of using the app. And there’s not a better time to start it, or restart it, than summer – and those sunny long days are right around the corner. Here are a few simple examples that you can consider using:

  • When reviewing your bulletin each week, identify several highlights that were mentionioned for the week and send a message. These messages might encourage parishers to spend a little time with their weekly bulletin, daily readings, or Catholic prayers.
  • Add a daily or weekly prayer, so that parishioners are seeing something fresh each day. A simple prayer is something most parishioners would appreciate. We often hear, “I don’t know how to pray, or, I’m not sure what to say when speaking to God.” Short, daily prayers may help struggling parishioners turn their prayer life around.
  • Have Father write a reflection to share in messages as often as he is able. A friendly word from him would be welcome. Two or three each month would be a good goal.
  • As an admin, we know how difficult it is to organize these things with all the other daily tasks. Maybe you’ve had offers from parishioners to volunteer for something. This could be an easy volunteer project for someone. Not being interupted by others, as staff often is, this would be the perfect project for them. The same for students, high school and college, if they have a little free time and want to work on something worthwhile for their church this should still allow them time for a summer job.

If you have any questions, simply reach out to Marc or Dana at Diocesan.

Catholic life every day