Preparing for Advent

With the beginning of Advent just a month away, the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love are once again on our minds as we prepare for Christmas. In your role as the App administrator, you have an opportunity to foster these gifts in the lives of your parishioners. Try sending meaningful messages that will keep them engaged, strengthen their faith, give newfound ways to use the app, and share it with others. Starting December 3, 2023, the first Sunday of Advent, there will be buttons –  Advent 2023 for Reflections and Prepare 2023 for videos. Additionally, here are a few Advent ideas you might want to share with your parishioners:

  • Encourage small group daily devotion. Share a couple of readings and prayer found on the App with a friend, family member or group. Remember, “Inspiration Daily” can be delivered right to your email box. Click here to subscribe.

  • Listen to beautiful Advent music. “Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel” is a favorite. Enjoy this beautiful version from The Piano Guys.
  • Light an Advent wreath. Advent wreath traditions can be simple, lovely ways to strengthen your faith at home.

  • With or without small children, reading classic Christmas stories each evening can be very peaceful. “24 Christmas Stories” is a popular one.
  • Give to your church, your neighbors, your community. Leaving a simple gift on a friend’s porch can mean so much.

  • Consider the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Advent is about preparation. Prepare your heart and spirit for Christmas.

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”

Romans 12:10

Catholic Life Every Day