Summer is coming to an end and fall is nipping at our heels. Churches have reopened and parishioners are wanting to be more involved again. As the app administrator, you can help your ministry leaders promote and engage parishioners through myParish App messaging.
The Groups feature is an excellent tool for ministry leaders. Start by creating a group for each ministry, then assign a moderator/group leader. Be sure to include a thorough description of the ministry. This is a good way to spark interest from potential new members. Parishioners can find out what your ministries are about and tap the join button to learn more and get involved. Do this before your Parish ministry fair. As people visit the ministry booths, they can open myParish app, tap on the ministry and join instantly!
Another tool for engaging parishioners is parish wide messaging. Messaging can be used to highlight buttons and resources in your app or put emphasis on specific ministries. A fun idea would be to highlight a “Ministry of the Month” Here is an example of a message for The Knights of Columbus:
“Have you considered Joining the Knights of Columbus? Through charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism we support and encourage our fellow brothers to work to make life better in our parish and community. To learn more about what we do, tap HERE. To join the Knights, tap on the groups button and find our group!”
We can link to your resources in the myParish App. Through existing buttons and custom buttons we can add all of the great content you have created for your community! If your youth group or Knights of Columbus has a YouTube or Facebook page for something they are doing, a link can be added and possibly a button can be created for your app that connects you directly with those resources. We are always open to conversation about your communication ideas.
In addition, here is a reminder of group features and benefits for App Admin‘s to share:
Join Access – CLOSED / OPEN – Choose join access open and anyone can join, no approval needed. Choose join access closed and all new join requests must be approved by moderators.
Visibility – PRIVATE / PUBLIC – Choose private and your active group will be visible only to those in the group. Choose public and the group will be visible to all.
Commenting – OFF / ON – Choose off and you have one-way communication. Choose on for group discussions.
Activation – DEACTIVATED / ACTIVATED – Choose deactivate for groups that are seasonal. Choose reactivate when you are ready to get going again.
As a myParish App administrator you can send and delete a message right from your phone to your entire community!
All these aspects of Catholic life and more can be found in your myParish app. Share with your parishioners. They will appreciate it. May it allow them an experience of our faith, just a touch away. Catholic life every day.
We continue to improve the ease and accessibility of myParish App for everyone. We are always happy to chat and to assist you with bringing an experience of Catholic life every day to your parishioners with myParish App.